Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sleepless in Mexico

The dawn is almost here, but I have not been able to sleep for hours. In fact I am writing this blog in high fever, so no guarantees of the quality.

What was supposed to be simple infection cured by antibiotics has turned out to be endless visits to hospitals, meeting with different doctors and specialists, changing drugs and antibiotics. I am now taking some antibiotics as shots straight into the vain. I take drugs that are supposed to help with fever and pain: they do neither. Instead I get side effects like rash and weird tingling in my muscles.

I don't sleep at night. I toss and turn and try to deal with fever. Usually in the morning I fall asleep for couple of hours.

This is not how I was planning to spend my vacation in Mexico. Oh no, I was supposed to tan at the beach, to learn how to surf, eat tacos (to be honest, I have done that) and enjoy myself. Well, it's just as fun to try to guess what kind of side effects I'm having yet again from new drugs I have to take, and how much money I eventually end up paying for them (I have a hint: a lot!).

And so far the doctors have absolutely no idea which bacteria is causing my infection. Isn't this exciting?

Today I am supposed to get final results of my tests. Let's hope that clears things out. Because if I am yet again just prescribed new drugs, I am going to do some serious damage. And if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm probably hallucinating in a Mexican hospital or arrested in a Mexican jail for destroying a hospital. 

"A hospital is no place to be sick"
-Samuel Goldwin

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